Stained Glass

The coloured glass is crafted into stained glass windows in which small pieces of glass are arranged to form patterns or pictures, held together (traditionally) by strips of lead and supported by a rigid frame.
Stained glass is like frosted colour glass in a puzzle format, Stained glass makes it difficult for people to clearly see inside your home or building. For this reason stained glass windows have been described as ‘illuminated wall decorations’. Stained glass is still popular today. Stained glass inspired the lives of the faithful through religious narratives in churches and cloisters. Stained glass was usually used to make windows, so that the light would shine through the painting.
Another unique aspect of stained glass is that it’s enhanced by daylight, which changes with the weather, the season, and the time of day. When a glass panel is shot through with a strong ray of light, you can see the colors floating off the top of the panel, and this is what makes it such a moving, and almost mystical, art form.
Tanic specializing in the creation of custom-made stained glass fabrications.
We also repair any kind of Stained Glass from new to antique.
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